Common blood tests used by veterinarians

Red blood cells are used to determine a number of factors. A high count indicates dehydration, while a low count can be an indicator of anemia. The hemoglobin concentration test measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of your pet's blood, and the red blood cell count can tell your vet how well your pet's body is functioning. Testing the white blood cells is equally useful. A high white blood cell count is indicative of infection, whereas a low white blood cell count can mean a weakened immune system. In general, bloodwork allows veterinarians to gather a more comprehensive view about what may be going on with your pet, and preventative bloodwork is equally important in catching any early onset of sickness/conditions.  A chemistry profile allows us to evaluate organ function, electrolytes, protein levels, blood glucose, and other important parameters.  We also recommend yearly heartworm/tick borne disease testing.  We can also screen cats for FELV/FIV.  Most of our routine lab work is sent out daily to be performed by Antech and Idexx laboratories. 

Benefits of in-house diagnostics and bloodwork


When your pet is sick, you do not want to wait days to get the results of blood tests to begin his or her treatment. Our in-house diagnostic lab decreases the time necessary to get your pet the blood tests he or she needs. 

Having a sick pet can be a scary thing. After all, they are part of the family. City Park Animal Clinic wants to ease some of your anxiety and get your pet on the road to wellness quickly. That's why we've invested in in-house diagnostic labs. Call us today at (970) 224-2929 to learn more about our in-house testing lab or to make an appointment for your pet.

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