I'm not your typical generation Y-er.  My cell phone is a flip phone, I have antennae TV and if you asked me what kind of computer I have I would say "laptop."  My husband on the other hand works at HP, knows every spec of every electronic device in our house and is always looking for the next cool thing.  However, I read a lot and I have read about some really cool apps that do amazing things – mostly via Family Circle, which I’m excited to get in the mail every month (thanks, mom!). 

  1. Walk for a Dog:  Are you a runner/walker?  Before you log your next venture on Facebook, download this app, which will rack up points to donate to a participating animal shelter or rescue of your choosing.  (Free on Android and iOS).
  2. Pet to Give: This is kind of a cute one for kids.  You pick a pet’s picture and “pet” them by tapping the screen.  Every time you use the app, pet food is donated to rescues and shelters.(Free)
  3. Cat fishing:  *sigh* Yes, even cats are more tech-savvy than I am.  This app is made for your cat to paw at objects on the screen and is free.  Screen protector strongly recommended! (Free, pictured above!)
  4. ASPCA, Pet Phone, & Dog Health: These apps store your pet's medical records. The ASPCA app also tells you how to care for pets during disasters and lets you access templates for digital "Missing Pet" posters. (FREE)
  5. TAGG:  Tagg is essentially a GPS attachment for your dog's collar, and because of its many features, it can give you peace of mind. The app will track your dog's activity and send you a message if he goes beyond the boundaries you set. Not only that, Tagg allows you to make sure your dog is getting enough exercise by measuring movement.  If your dog goes missing, it will provide a GPS location & directions!  The catch?  You need to buy both the tag (~$80) and a monthly service plan ( ~$10/month).  This could be a great value if your pup is a master of escape. 
  6. Pet Poison Help: An app from the Pet Poison Helpline.  The comprehensive database includes more than 250 toxins, each with a description, list of symptoms and a full color photo, which is very helpful for identifying poisonous plants and flowers.  This app is only for iPhone users at this time and is a great investment at just $1.99.  **Not a substitute for veterinary care!  Make sure you contact a vet ASAP if your pet has ingested a toxin! **
  7. Weather Puppy (Apple) or Weather Dog (Android): Add a little bit of cute when you check the weather.  The app shows more than 100 dogs depending on the time and weather, and you can even add a pic of your own dog. Weather Puppy partners with non-profits and shelters across the U.S.

Enjoy these apps!  Is there one you like that I've missed?  Let me know in the comments!  Meanwhile, this is still me:

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